all postcodes in CH45 / WALLASEY

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Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH45 3GH 1 0 53.420959 -3.061148
CH45 3HA 10 3 53.427899 -3.068079
CH45 3HB 9 9 53.428001 -3.067735
CH45 3HD 20 0 53.428117 -3.067721
CH45 3HE 9 1 53.429065 -3.066347
CH45 3HF 15 2 53.429672 -3.063804
CH45 3HG 24 0 53.430149 -3.061709
CH45 3HJ 27 0 53.427733 -3.06654
CH45 3HL 5 1 53.429459 -3.06857
CH45 3HN 9 0 53.429126 -3.064573
CH45 3HP 1 1 53.42896 -3.068121
CH45 3HQ 10 0 53.42865 -3.066593
CH45 3HR 16 0 53.429553 -3.068105
CH45 3HS 8 0 53.428785 -3.067589
CH45 3HT 11 0 53.428323 -3.066901
CH45 3HU 12 0 53.42919 -3.067434
CH45 3HW 12 4 53.429582 -3.062838
CH45 3HX 8 0 53.42852 -3.066048
CH45 3HY 11 0 53.429648 -3.066512
CH45 3HZ 12 0 53.429875 -3.065284